Coal Creek Trail

Written by Raymond Hamilton.

Elevation Difficulty Recommended Use Distance Season
10,200 feet Moderate to Difficult
3.0 Miles Memorial Day Weekend - Labor Day Weekend

Driving Directions:

From Durango, Colorado, Take U.S. Highway 550 for approximately 37 miles north of Durango. Park in the dirt pullout just past the first hairpin turn after Coal Bank Pass. The trail leads uphill from the north side of the road. A sign marks the Coal Creek trailhead.

Hiking Directions:

The Coal Creek Trail climbs up through fairly steep terrain, passing through a predominately coniferous forest. There are occasional breaks in the trees that offer scenic views of the West Needles. The last section of the trail is blaze-posted to make it visible as it crosses swampy terrain. The trail never comes close to Coal Creek but the Engineer Mountain Trail. The trail crosses the creek at timberline. The Coal Creek Trail offers several possibilities for doing loop trails utilizing trails in the same area.


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